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Can no orders be given in a withdrawal suit

Introduction   There are instances when the court gives interim orders in a petition and later on if it is withdrawn, no orders can be given in that particular suit. This is a part of civil law and has been provided under Order 23 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 2018. Let us understand the concept in detail.  Order 23 Rule 1 CPC and withdrawal of suit  The provisions regarding withdrawal of suit are mentioned under Order 23 Rule 1 CPC. It has been mentioned in it that after withdrawal of suit ,no orders can be passed in the particular case. The defendant cannot compell the plaintiff to file a fresh suit. The defendant has one relief that he can ask the plaintiff to give the expenses which were given by him.  Will the benefits gained by plaintiff in interim order vanish after withdrawal  This is a question of great importance in such withdrawal of suit. The answer is that benefits of interim orders will be enjoyed till the suit is not withdrawn from

Critical Appraisal on Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora Fauna, 1973

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild Fauna Flora,  1973- A critical appraisal Abstract The appraisal of the convention brings about various measures taken for the restrictions  brought about the trading of rare and endangered species of flora – fauna in the year 1973.  According to the recent figures taken out regarding the animal species, it has been stated that  around 800 of the species are extinct and over more than 1500 species are facing the danger  of extinction. The reasons for the extinction of various species is because of various  environmental factors such as increasing of pollution, change in the lifestyle of humans and  various other factors leading to the constant destruction of the forest cover. This convention  consists of three basic principles which are self explanatory in nature. Apart from the working of the convention, the terminologies such as flora and fauna

Corona and Sec 188 of Indian Penal Code, 1860

Introduction  Corona (Covid -19) has been declared a http:// pandemic. Cases of corona are increasing day by day and matter is of great concern to the government as well as to the general masses.  Amidst the outbreak, it is necessary for people to abide by the instructions provided by the government and duly follow the orders given by the public servant.  When we speak about order given by public servant, it is certainly meant to be mandatorily followed and disobedience of which would certainly put you behind the bars.  Provision Stated in Indian Penal Code, 1860 Section 188 in The Indian Penal Code 188. Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant.—Whoever, knowing that, by an order promulgated by a public serv­ant lawfully empowered to promulgate such order, he is directed to abstain from a certain act, or to take certain order with certain property in his possession or under his management, disobeys such direction, shall, if such disobedi

Technological crimes : Issues and future weapons for prevention

INTRODUCTION MEANING OF CYBER CRIME Cyber crime or computer related crime is a crime that involves a computer and a network . The computer may have been used in the commission a crime, or it may be the target. Cybercrimes can be defined as offences that are committed against individuals or group of individuals with a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm, or loss, to the victim directly or indirectly, using modern telecommunication networks such as Internet (networks including but not limited to chat rooms, emails, notice board and groups) and mobile phones (Bluetooth/SMS/MMS) TYPES OF CYBER CRIMES 1. Hacking 2. Copyright infringement 3. Unwarranted mass surveillance 4. Child pornography 5. Child grooming 1. Hacking It is unauthorized intrusion into a computer or network. The person engaged in hacking activities is generally referred to as a hacker .This hacker may alter system or securi

5 Things You can do to boost your creativity during lockdown

Lockdown has made people a couch potato. They have forgotten to do things which they used to do in their leisure time. What if you are sitting at home idle, let's refresh those hobbies which you have thrown behind because of your busy schedule. •     Painting  This is one of my favorite hobby. Painting a picture gives you peace of mind and improves your level of concentration. You inculcate the habit of sitting quietly for a long period of time. This creative skill needs to be developed by those students or kids who are very naughty, can't sit quietly or are unable to focus as their level of concentration is weak.  • Gardening  Who doesn't love luss green grass and greenery all around. It calms us from within and we feel fresh and energetic. This is a type of skill that connects you with nature. Planting trees not only makes your garden green, but also takes you one step forward towards conserving nature.  • Reading B

Urban Sprawl

URBAN    SPRAWL  :  THE   SMART   URBAN DEVELOPING CULTURE                                             Abstract   Urban sprawl refers to the extent of urbanization, which is a global phenomenon highly trending because of population growth and large scale migration. In a developing country  like India , where the population is increasing day by day , urban sprawl is taking its toll on the natural resources at an alarming pace. So also unprecedented   development, long traffic jams and overpopulated crowded cities also force the people to sprawl from one place to another . The study also attempts to study the region in Karnataka where urban sprawl is prevalent .The basic objective behind this study is how to curb the problem and bring out effective solution , rather fruitful techniques to meet the changing circumstances. This   paper brings out the causes and effects of urban sprawl and also various eco-friendly measures. The study also attempts to bring out t