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SOURCES OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION(constitution of India in hindi)

SOURCES OF INDIAN CONSTITUTION(constitution of India in Hindi)                            The sources of Indian Constitution are as follows  : -   1. BRITAIN  Single citizenship, Parliamentary form of government, rule of law ,lawmaking procedure , Winning elections on the basis of majority vote 2. U.S.A Fundamental rights, supremacy of Constitution, independent judiciary, Pavel of judicial review, Post of president, election of President, post ofvice president, impeachment of President, Financial emergency, idea of preamble  3. GERMANY  power of president during emergency 4. RUSSIA Fundamental duties, idea of equal justice 5. JAPAN Procedure established by law  6. IRELAND Directive principles of state policy, election process of president, nomination of the twelve members in Rajya Sabha , emergency, Awards and honours given  by President. 7. FRANCE Idea of a republican state, idea of liberty equality and fraternity. 8. AUSTRALIA  Language of preamble, relation between union and state,