The citizens of India are known for its unity and believe in unity in diversity. The togetherness of Indians helps them to fight against the problem and come out with an effective solution. The Preamble of Indian Constitution also speaks about assuring unity. The Constitution of India has now gained strength again by revoking Art 370 and making Jammu and Kashmir a Union Territory of India. Let's understand Article 370 in detail.
Article 370 and Indian Constitution :- An earlier theory
Special Status had been conferred to Jammu and Kashmir under Art 370 of Constitution of India. They had their own constitution. The provisions of Article 238 did not apply to the state. The directive principles of state policy also did not apply to them. They had their own Chief Minister and Governor to administer the State. Article 360 ,which was related to financial emergency did not apply to it.
The Changed Scenario
Now Article 370 has been revoked and following changes are made :-
1) They will no longer have a separate constitution.
2) They will have to strictly abide by the laws of the Indian Constitution.
3) All Indian laws would be applicable to them.
4) People would be able to purchase property
The Government gave explanation to all pointers stating that it would bring development to the region.
Art 35A and Art 370- Ruining Democracy
Article 35 A gave authority to the legislature of Jammu and Kashmir to define permanent residents and who could be residents in that particular region. Other rights included ownership, employment and acquisition of immovable property. By the revocation of Article 370 , this Article stands abolished. Now it is easy for people to buy property, gain the status of being permanent resident, to get employment and many more. These two articles were ruining the democracy of the country.
The Special move by the Parliament by revoking Article 370 and abolishing Article 35A of the Indian Constitution after a span of 70 years will definitely help in strengthening the democracy. Unity provides strength and also becomes a great support in fighting against any problem which confronts us.