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Basic Facts about CAA which a layman should know

Introduction  Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is an amendment act of the old Citizenship Act, 1955. It is specially amended for the citizens who are facing religious persecution and have come from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. It is designed for all sects and religions. Indian Muslims are included in this act because above being a Muslim, they are citizens of India.  Objective  The basic objective behind the amendment of the Act is to provide citizenship to those migrants who are facing religious persecution and to remove all illegal migrants from the country. It gives protection to the minority refugees.  To whom the Act is applicable?  It is applicable to all sects and religions including Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians who are facing religious persecution from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh to seek Indian Citizenship.  Any relation to Muslims  It does not harm the Muslims who are already genuine In...

Significance of Recognition of Transgender

Introduction  People who are neither male nor female are known under the category of " Third Gender". These third gender persons are known as Transgenders.  We live in a country where not only males and females exist, but transgenders also. When census is conducted, only figures of male and female population are drawn out but this class is always left out because they are considered as ' disordered persons '. WHO declaration for Transgenders  But recently WHO announced that this class of persons will no longer be recognized as 'disorder ' as they are also citizens of this country and therefore have a right to discuss their health issues in a frank manner.  Right to live a social life  Apart from health issues, they can live their social life in a peaceful manner as the Indian judiciary have given them recognition in society by saving their right to privacy under Article 21 of Indian Constitution.  Educati...